Grade 2-5 Coding & Making Scope and Sequence


  • It's easy to teach coding and making to Elementary School kids in a way that is fun and prepares them for success in future technology classes and careers.

  • The coding & making course below contains blocks called units that teach a specific set of skills in a certain sequence.

  • At the end of each unit there is usually an assessment activity which kids do so we can see what they learned.

  • The videos in the units can be paused at any time to give students time to code and make.

  • We like projects that build on previous projects because this teaches kids to improve or 'iterate' their designs.

  • We also like to solve problems using 'decomposition' which just means breaking problems down into smaller, solve-able problems, which is an otherwise useful life skill.

  • A premium is placed on fun. If the activity is fun, and kids look back at their finished project with a sense of joy, not only will they keep coding and making, they will get the concepts too.

  • We avoid throwing around big names such as computational thinking (coding) or design thinking (making) because kids don't know what they mean and quite frankly most adults, including me, don't either.

  • I worked and coded for 20 years in 5 different tech startups. I've also taught coding & design at all grade levels in high school including AP Computer Science. The coding and making concepts taught in this course are the same no matter whether the student is 7 years old or 18 years old and will serve them in very good stead if they work in tech because they learned the concepts when they were young.


Unit 1 - Intro Coding in ScratchJR Grades 2-4

Subject: Coding

Age: 7-9

Device: iPad with ScratchJR

Scope: algorithms, combinations of blocks, events, repeats.

Problem solving technique: decomposition (breaking problems into small solve-able parts)

  1. RocketLaunch 1

  2. RocketLaunch 2

  3. RocketLaunch 3

Section 2

Write a short summary about the problem that the article will solve. Use step-by-step instructions to help people to solve the issue.

  1. Step 1

  2. Step 2

  3. Step 3

Section 3

Write a short summary about the problem that the article will solve. Use step-by-step instructions to help people to solve the issue.

  1. What should users do first?

  2. Next step for solving the problem

  3. Next step for solving the problem

Section 4

Write a short summary about the problem that the article will solve. Use step-by-step instructions to help people to solve the issue.

  1. Step 1

  2. Step 2

  3. Step 3

Section 5

Write a short summary about the problem that the article will solve. Use step-by-step instructions to help people to solve the issue.

  1. Step 1

  2. Step 2

  3. Step 3

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